
New Year Greeting

A Public Interest Incorporated Association:
Japan Hockey Association

Towards 2020 Tokyo Olympics

   Greeting for the new year.

   We hope that the New Year finds you in good health. 

   Last year, due to a big change inside our association, we are very sorry to trouble you, but all the domestic competitions were held smoothly for your great supports. For this year, we make efforts to be an association for hockey players and make an environment for players having dreams.

   Now, both new Samurai Japan and Sakura Japan dedicate all their strength for the berth of Rio de Janeiro Olympics,  and our association keeps on activities for 2020 Tokyo Olympics ( we call this “Tokyo 2020 Target Ages Concept”)

  For those goals achieved, we would highly appreciate your supports and cooperation this year, too. 

on January 1, 2015

A Public Interest Incorporated Association: Japan Hockey Association
Chairperson, Tsutomu Yokota


For any other queries, please contact the undersigned directly.

Japan Hockey Association Officials 

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