3rd Game of Invitaion Matches with Malaysia at Kagamihara City in Gifu Prefecture [Japan 1-1 Malaysia]
A Public Interest Incorporated Association:
Japan Hockey Association
Invitaion Matches with Malaysia at Kagamihara City in Gifu Prefecture
Men’s Malaysia national team (world ranking 13rd) drew Malaysia by 1-1 in 3rd game (test match) of the invitation matches that are held at Kakamihara city in Gifu Prefecture. The 4th game (test match) will be held at 14:00 on June 12.
Game Result
3rd Game | 14:00- June 11 Japan vs Malaysia [ 1-1 ] Official Game Record [updated on June 11] |
- 7th min PC – #32 FW Hiroki Sakamoto (Minosima Club)
Related Information
For any other queries, please contact the undersigned directly.
Japan Hockey Association Officials
- TEL :+81-3-3481-2330
- FAX :+81-3-3481-2329
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