
The Beginning of Japan Hockey

   In 1906 (Meiji year 39 ), William T Gray from England, first taught hockey to Keio-university students. The history of Japan hockey started from that time.
※Photo:Keio Summer Camp(at Numazu junior high school ground, from July 11th to 24th at Meiji year41) Mr. Gray is in the center of  the second row. Photo was provided by Asahi Sports.

The Birth of Keio-University Hockey Club by Mr.Gray

   In early January in 1906 (Meiji Year 39), Keio-University Teacher” Kazuichi Ogura” announced  the prospectus relating to Hockey Club Establishment in the University. In mid-November,  at Keio-new lecture hall,  Mr Gray, who is an Ex-Dublin University Hockey Player,  and a Saint Andrius Church Minister, hold Hockey meeting as a volunteer work. 

The Opening Ceremony

   The opening ceremony of Japan Hockey Association was held at the Army-Koyama schoolyard by Keio-University, Waseda-University, Meiji-University, Tokyo Club, Army Koyama School (November 11th in the Taisho year 12 )

   Since 3:00pm  in November 23rd, at Shiba-Park, Gray himself had held a stick and taught the way of playing the game. After finishing, the opening ceremony was held at the cafeteria of Keio-Club. The number of Particicants is 100. The first practice started at the Hibiya Park  grass ground in November 26th.

The Foundation of Japan Hockey Association, 1923

   In Taisho year 11, according to Keio-university Hockey Club, The army Koyama school decided to introduce Hockey, and emberked on its  nationwide promotion as well as Keio-University. In order to achive that purpose,  it was strongly proposed that the central organization should be formed. In April 15th in 1923, the first meeting concerning was held to discuss about the foundation of  Japan hockey association at assembly house for the Koyama-school commissioned officers.  After several foudation meeting, the formal association was established  in November 18th. The foundation of  corporate juridical person Japan Hockey Association -in 1980(Showa year 55)

Japan Hockey Association – Corporate Juridical Person, 1980

   Taking the oppotunitiy of Tokyo Olympics,  the basis of organization was organized under Hiroki Inoyama who was  president at the time. Afterwards, the incoming Fujio Otake worked on turning this association into an independent administrative entitie, and it resulted in the formaiton of  corporate juridical person- Japan Hockey Association in September 20th in 1980 ( Showa Year 55).

Official Sponsor

Diamond Sponsor

Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc.

Official Sponsor

SOMPO Care T.F.K Inc.

Official Supplier

MIZUNO Corporation
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