Spots in the Olympics

TOPParticiparing CountriesMen’s ScheduleWomen’s ScheduleSpots in the Olympics

National team that  has been already qualified for the Olympics

Men the United Kingdom, Pakistan, Germany, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, Argentinal, Spain, India, Korea, (other 2 teams are to be fixed)
Women the United Kingdom, China, Korea, the Neitherland, Germany, Argentina, New Zealand, the United States, South Africa, (other 2 teams are to be fixed)

Spots in the Olympics

There are 12 spots each for the London Olympics.

  Men Women
Continental Qualifier 5 5
Host Country 1 1
Ranking Allocation 3 3
World Final Qualifier 3 3
Total 12 12

Ranking Allocation (3 countries)

  Men Women
Europe 2 1
Oceania 1 1
Asia 1
Total 3 3

World Final Qualifier(18 countries participated)

  Men Women
Africa 1 0
Asia 5 4
Europe 8 8
Oceania 0 0
Pan-American 4 6
Total 18 18
Official Sponsor

Diamond Sponsor

Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc.

Official Sponsor

SOMPO Care T.F.K Inc.

Official Supplier

MIZUNO Corporation
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