National Women’s Championship


National Women’s Championship

Number of Times the 72nd
Place Echizen-cho Hockey Field (to be broadcast on NHK)
Period From 16 to 20 December, 2011
Administrative Association and Federation Fukui-ken Hockey Association
Host and Co-Host Japan Hockey Association

Game Schedule

Game Results and Standings

1st Day (17 Nov)

2nd Day (18 Nov)

3rd Day (19 Nov)

Final Day (20 Nov)

Final Result

  1. Sony HC BRAVIA Ladies (6 consecutive title and the 14th times)
  2. Coca Cola West Red Sparks

Flash Report

Participating Teams

A Pool

  • Tokai Gakuin University (1st in the Intercollegiate)
  • Coca Cola West Red Sparks (1st in the Amatuer National Championship)
  • Nanto Ginko(3rd in the Amatuer National Championship)
  • Yamanashi Gakuin University (4th in the Intercollegiate)

B Pool

  • Sony HC BRAVIA Ladies (1st in the Amatuer National Championship)
  • Tenri University(2nd in the Intercollegiate)
  • Ritumeikan University(3rd in the Amatuer National Championship)
  • Glaxo Smith Kline(3rd in the Intercollegiate)
Official Sponsor

Diamond Sponsor

Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc.

Official Sponsor

SOMPO Care T.F.K Inc.

Official Supplier

MIZUNO Corporation
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