
Restart of Men’s Hockey Japan League 2014

A Public Interest Incorporated Association:
Japan Hockey Association

Announcement of Restart of Men’s Japan Hockey League 2014

To the press

   First, we apologize for the inconvenience for Men’s Japan League that has been in a rest condition since January. After the congress on June 7, we confirm the will of participation from all the 12 teams and decided the restart of Men’s Hockey League. The start date is July 12 and all the team will have opening games at Echizen town in Fukui Prefecture.

   This start is delayed for 3 months compared with the usual, but we believe that we would hold more active and hard game developments to return the loss of delay.

   For the detail of the schedule, we will adjust other domestic schedules and announce it to you soon.

   In addition, Men’s Japan League is scheduled to start at Fukushima in Tohoku that makes efforts towards the recover from Tohoku earthquake. The date is not fixed (maybe in autumn), but we are now adjusting the schedule with local hockey associations to hold games, especially at Tanakura Town in Fukushima and Kurihara Town in Miyagi. 



For any other queries, please contact the undersigned directly.

Japan Hockey Association Officials

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