
New Year Greeting

A Public Interest Incorporated Association:
Japan Hockey Association

New Year Greeting from Chairperson

   Greeting for the new year.

   In 2013, there are some big drives. Especially for hockey, international hockey federation initiated international league which is called as “World League”. For this, any countries that are related to hockey have a direct chance to participate in the Olympic and World Cup.

   In addition, we had completed the change into “A Public Interest Incorporated Association” officially. For managing our association as public utility association, we are able to strengthen our organization and make use of many merits.

   Moreover, the biggest event among Japanese sports is that “Tokyo hosts Olympic and Paralympics in 2020”. This was led by the results that all-Japan Force “Sports, Political, Economical Organization” focused on the bidding activities as one team. The moment when Le comte Jacques Rogge announced the decision in Buenos Aires, all Japanese were moved and charged. This was really unforgettable event in 2013.

   In the meantime, 2020 big event was decided. What should we prepare for this chance in a million? I think we need 3 preparations mainly. One is “the concrete activity for the Tokyo Olympic”. 1. Cultivating teams and players capable of getting medals 2. Improving the management of international competitions 3. Collaborating with International Hockey Federation 4. Transmitting Information by collaborating with media 5. Securing enterprise funds and supporters. 6.Strengthening our organization supporting 1 to 5 activities. Another one is “Work on the Rio de Janeiro Olympic”. We do concentrate on the activities for Rio de Janeiro Olympic. This is necessary for the next Tokyo Olympic. The last is “Preparing for the success of the Tokyo Olympic”. What will be left after the Tokyo Olympic? The most answer is “people, materials, money and information”, but my opinion is “a system that causes a good hockey circulation. For establishing this system, I would like to make advantage of “people, materials, money and information” as much as possible for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic.

   For the hockey of the next generation, we would highly appreciate your supports and cooperation.

on January 1, 2014

A Public Interest Incorporated Association: Japan Hockey Association
Chairperson Motohito Yoshida


For any other queries, please contact the undersigned directly.

Japan Hockey Association Officials 

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